Institute Location :Study Centre Apply For
Study Centre Apply For
State *
District *
City / Town / Village *
Apply For *
Type of Area *
Institute Information :
Name of The Institute *
Year of Establishment *
Status of The Institution *
Institute Address *
Pin Code *
GST No.  
Institute Phone No. *
WhatsApp Number  
Institute E-Mail *
Information About Centre Head :
Name of The Centre Head *
Designing / Position Hold of the Centre Head *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Father's Name *
Nationality *
Married Status *
Category *
Aadhar Number *
Religion *
Husband's Name *
Other Nationality *
Pan Number *
Last General Qualification *
Professional Experience of the Centre Head *
Postal Address of The Centre Head *
Post Office *
Police Station *
Pin Code *
Mobile Number *
E-Mail *
State *
District *
Available Infrastructure Facility of the Centre :
Office Room *
Theory Room *
Practical Room *
Staff Room *
Library Room *
Reception Room *
Waiting Room *
Toilet *
Any Other *
Number of Computers *
Number of Journal *
Number of Projector / LED *
Number of Reference Book *
Invertor / Generator *
Drinking Water *
Internet Facility with Speed *
Licensed Software *
Number of CD's *
Name of Witness 1 *
Witness Signature 1 *
Name of Witness 2 *
Witness Signature 2 *
Upload Documents
Colour Passport Size Photograph of The Head * Max. Size : 300 PX
Signature of The Head (According to PAN ) * Max. Size : 300 PX
Institute Round Stamp Upload Max. Size : 300 PX
Identity Card of The Institute Head (Both Side) *
Pan Card of The Institute Head
Colour Photograph of Theory Room
Colour Photograph of Practical Room
Colour Photograph of Office Room
Colour Photograph of Front Side of The Institute
Trade License of The Institute
Last Qualification Certificate *
Enter Verification code

  I hereby certify that the context stated above are correct and true to my knowledge and belief and hereby confirm that our Organization / Society / Trust / is free from any legal / official disputes what over. I accept that any facts stated above. I found incorrect will automatically result in cancellation for nominations associate. However I will have no right what over to fight / challenge legally against the judgment in any court of law. *

Our Affilations