In today’s time, computer education as well as practical education has become very important. The degree we earn on the strength of our hard work is used to build our better future. In addition, we also need practical and creative knowledge to succeed in our career. Due to lack of practical knowledge we are failing to get a job at the present time. Computers at the present time, as education is playing an important role for our better careers. Lack of computer education can overcome a lot of obstacles not only in our career but also in our development. That is why we aim to see that computer education in today’s world is not only in private schools but also in all generation. To reach the people of the class. We are primarily targeted to increase our rural peers. Our employment oriented curriculum based on practical and efficient knowledge will make you highly ambitious, competent and self-reliant. We also keep contracting with multiple placement cells for maximum employment. We join hands with you and make a bright future for all the generation & achieve success.